关于「 the transaction exceeded 20 billion yuan」的内容列表

Four Shanghai and Shenzhen 300ETF total turnover of more than 20 billion yuan, the number of transactions since 2 months

September 20th news, CSI 300ETF afternoon transaction continued to enlarge, Huatai Berry CSI 300ETF (510300), E Founder CSI 300ETF (510310) transactions were over 7.50 billion yuan and 5.70 billion yuan, in addition to Harvest CSI 300ETF (159919), Huaxia CSI 300ETF (510330) transactions exceeded 3.70 billion yuan, all created since July 19, 2024 transaction days, the above four ETF funds total turnover exceeded 20 billion yuan.

2024-09-20 15:28:04